Friday, March 28, 2014

Old Money, New Money, and Everybody Else

                In the book The Great Gatsby, the division between the new money and the old money is very clear. The "old money" which consists of those people whose families have been very rich and powerful for some time and now are living off inherited money. The "new money", gosh I can't think about that term and not think about Titanic "Don't sit for tea with her, she's new money!", are those who have become rich from either starting a new business or finding oil reserves on their property. Remember that the late 1800's and early 1900's were all about Industrialization and making use of the natural resources from this country.
         The divide between these two groups of people can be seen when the Buchanans go to one of Gatsby's parties. On many occasions it is stated that Daisy is disgusted by the people. To her they seem to lack etiquette and poise, not until she saw Gatsby was she in a good mood. If these two groups are so obscenely rich, and yet do not get the respect of each other how is "everybody else" seen/ treated? I think that can be seen with Myrtle's husband. Myrtle and Tom flaunt their relationship around and the man does not notice a thing. By them acting as if he is not even in the room they show that they think of him as nothing. It's sad to think that these things will never change, the more money you have: the more you are worth, but what can we do about it?