Thursday, August 29, 2013


 Hi! My name is Noemi,     

  I have never blogged before and I'm not sure how this works exactly so please bear with me.I am a person that may seem shy from the outside but once you get to know me you come to realize that I am actually very loud and very dramatic. I am a very studious person, I try really hard in all my subjects but sometimes the stress gets the best out of me which is something that worries me because if I'm crazy at such a young age how will I be when I have to worry about much bigger things like bills,and keeping a job.
    I love my family dearly, they do their best to help me when I need it and I love them for that. We are religious people we are not all out there but we do go to church every Sunday and try to pray every night. I do believe there is a mightier being out there.Why wouldn't there be? I mean there are things in this world that can’t be explained and I think that is because there is a mightier being out there and we aren't able to understand his ways. I live in the South Side, have lived there my whole life and I have to say I really like it, the people are friendly (that is since I live next to a bunch of old people) although they don't really talk which is okay because I like to keep to myself. 
    Another thing about me is that I think I might be psychic, that is since I have had very strange dreams that end up becoming reality just a few days later. Which I think is no coincidence because this hasn't only happened once or twice but four times! Although, I wish this really didn't happen because all the dreams I have are bad they are about death and illness and I really don't like knowing these things. Hopefully this actually is coincidence and I am actually a normal person ;) 
One last thing is that...I LOVE FOOD! That may be the reason why I can't lose weight but it’s okay because the taste of donuts is AMAZING and I know they say that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels but that is just a BIG lie.
  So there you have it... a little bit of me.